Jija Sohn is a Japanese- Korean artist based in Amsterdam. Before entering the Performing Arts field she had obtained a master in Applied Linguistics at Purdue University in the USA.
In 2015 Jija graduated from the SNDO (School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam) and was selected for the Moving Forward Trajectory - residency project that supports the upcoming artists. During that process, she developed the production Geisha’s Miracle (2016).
In 2017 she was awarded with the ‘3Package Deal’ by Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst which enabled her to work on a slightly autobiographical piece, Kyabajo (2018).
2019-2021, She was supported by DansBrabant in the frame of the talent development trajectory PLAN Brabant and had an opportunity to re-think her practice from a fundamental base. She rerooted her practice in the principles of well being, care and the fullness of life.
Since 2019, she has dedicated her work and practice to exploring human connections and relations which recently resulted in three community based projects - Lands of Concert 2019-21, Phantom Travels, 2021 and Landing on Feathers, 2020-23. Also she currently works at the community building EU project, Performing Gender - Dancing In Your Shoes with Theaterfestival Boulevard.
These projects have become her way to look inside into our human nature, recognising and embracing all our flaws and strengths, making them into an intimate portrait of how we are as people alone and together.
From rethinking her artistic roots and starting from the principles of care, She decided to also start working as a caregiver. This was a very important decision, because this job enables her to enter a field where we train ourselves in how to keep a natural and healthy balance between giving and receiving. This side job (as a caretaker) is a mirror to how we are in daily life and at work as artists - shaping our relationships with friends, family members and with ourselves, with systems, beliefs and cultural values. It gives her a better understanding of what her methodology of giving and receiving entails and how she can apply it outside of the arts field.
Currently, she has been working with Julia Reist, ARP-Art Research Production in Brussels and Aleksandra Lemm, Amsterdam based artist and therapist as a collective. They are also forming long-term relationships with artistic institutional collaborators such as DansBrabant, SPRING Performing Arts Festival, de Brakke Grond, Kaaitheater, VIERNULVIER, Arts Center BUDA, Theaterfestival Boulevard and Dansateliers.